Governance and team

Governance and team


Membership of Board of Trustees

Office members

Jacques Bungert, Chairman
Géraldine Lenain, Vice-Présidente
Jean-Louis Milin, Trésorier
Agnès Sire, Secrétaire Générale

Founder member

Jean-Luc Monterosso

Ex-officio members

Audrey Pulvar
Hermano Sanches Ruivo
Ariel Weil

Associate members

Olivier Bourdelas
Françoise Gaillard, Honorary Chairman
Alain Genestar
Françoise de Panafieu
Sebastiao Salgado

Members of General Assembly

Bénédicte Alliot
Gilles Etrillard
Charles-Henri Filippi
Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux
Philippe Jean-Draeher
Pauline de Laboulaye
Matthias Leridon
Dominique Levy
Anne Louis-Dreyfus
Sabine Marais-Veyrat
Chantal Nedjib
Nathalie Perakis
Jean Quintard
Charlotte Rampling
Agnès Saal
Eric Simonet
Florence Trouche
Jean-Michel Wilmotte

Membership of Board of Trustees



Simon Baker

Damien Lucas
Executive Director

Clothilde Morette
Artistic Director

Aden Vincendeau
Assistant to the Director


Exhibitions and Programme team

Laurie Hurwitz
Curator and Time-based Media collection manager

Victoria Aresheva

Yuko Ikegami
Cultural programme and Itineraries Officer

Elisa Monteillet
Exhibition Production Manager



Pascal Hoël
Head of Collections

Frédérique Dolivet
Collections Officier

Aurélie Lacouchie
Head Librarian

Cécile Tourneur
Assistant Librarian


Education and Cultural Projects

Ghyslaine Badezet
Head of Education and Cultural Projects

Florence Pillet

Education and Cultural Projects Officer

Béatrice Dupont
Bookings Officer



Edith Guinard
Bookshop Manager

Mathieu Champagnat
Bookshop Officer



Géraldine Sivel
Head of Audience Development and Visitor Experience



Lucile Gouge
Head of Communications

Lucie Braghini
Communications Officer

Louise Meyer 
Communications Apprentice


Patrons and Privatizations

Lise Frigout
Patrons and Corporate Relations Manager


Finances and Human Ressources

Francis Trépout
Head of Finance and Administration

Cécile Gualde
Finance and Administration Officer

Elisa Laporte 
Finance Apprentice


Technical Management

Hervé Dutournier
Technical Director

Philippe Miroux

Senior Technician

Emmanuel Bacquet
Film and Cinema Manager